
Showing posts from October, 2018


So here we are with ‘vegan chicken wings’ ‘vegan bacon’ and ‘burgers’ from the bowels of HELL!!!  If all humans want is to consume a small variety of food labels and in massive quantities, none of our eating strategies are sustainable. Look at coconut production and farming practices, look at MEAT production and farming practices...the same devastating conclusions will shame even the most religious vegan! I use this picture below and agree with this group, that the wholesale slaughter of any and all animals is just plain ol’ Primate arrogance. We once knew our place in it’s a Disney Trump World run by Big Pharma and MegaFarming, at a scale not seen since the Aztec - Inca Dynasties crumbled , due to the same arrogance with Nature  I must point out! Fruits and vegetables have just been declared an endangered crop which completely mimics my favourite dystopian movie of all time   SOLENT GREEN ! As a farm kid from a small town with a cattle sales auction e...


Scary Food for Thought 2018 FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis Linked to Shell Eggs from Gravel Ridge Farms FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Hy-Vee Spring Pasta Salad FDA Investigation of a Multistate Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses Linked to Fresh Express Salad Mix Served at McDonald’s Ends FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Linked to Fresh Crab Meat Imported from Venezuela FDA Investigation of Multistate Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses Linked to Del Monte Vegetable Trays Ends FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Mbandaka Infections Linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Adelaide Infections Linked to Pre-Cut Melons FDA Investigating Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce from Yuma Growing Region ALL THESE INVESTIGATIONS AND DID YOU KNOW how easy the caravan gets through...

BACK STAGE PASS> 2018 Toronto’s alley’s!

Do NOT look CLOSELY!!! The Needle Wars and Your Food?      Along some of Toronto’s busiest streets, can be found countless restaurants and bars to entertain and satisfy your culinary requests. Adjacent and behind those storefront retail and private rental condos, lies world renowned and constantly filmed graffiti art...and hidden dangers left by City of Toronto jurisdiction issues and real time needs of addiction.      How do used needles end up POSSIBLY transporting the unthinkable drops of spent hemoglobin into eating or entertainment or retail change rooms? Its all in the smoke breaks and where most of Toronto’s deliveries come from. If you look at the issue from containment only and exclude the human drama and costs of a crisis in addiction in our culture and society, cross-contamination becomes a real threat as the trail of exposure gets in the back door free every Tuesday and Thursday. Blackened

Spreading “The Flu” by / I didn’t know ...

Hepatitis Populates The litany of grievous examples of ignorance to basic sanitary and contamination practices witnessed in Toronto restaurants is scary. Period.    If you walk into any restaurant in Toronto and you see this tray (cutlery tray) open to the public, in the lazy hopes that you choose your own cutlery...RUN!!!    Any front of house staff or manager worth minimum wage should have food handlers training and SHOULD know that the spread of microbial germs and viruses can be eliminated by removing multiple touch points (like Hospitals) , in other words - don’t leave EVERYONE access to cross contaminate the entire stock of a product or utensil.    I have seen this kind of ignorance play out with multiple people getting sick and not knowing the ground zero cause!!!  The defence to this Plague wanting behaviour is called ROLL-UPS and the prime reason for them is isolation and separation of sterilized or at least clean utensils. When I see ...