Cafe Gratitude North

How Happy Is Your Food? So, now that you have found a vegan restaurant with great salads and smoothie bowls for 16.00-20.00$ ...why is it wilted and brown and thrown together in a box and shoved in my face with a sneer? I fucking hate cisgendered humans!!! So here we are in a major urban city centre like Toronto eating at a vegetarian restaurant where the vibe is akin to a militarized zone of overworked ,underpaid, extremely bitter and painfully obvious societal misfits. Front of house or back of house , a certain new type of social pressure has found its way into basic jobs at the entry level of cooking and serving. If you have no experience on a line at restaurants in Toronto then some of the following aspects of your job requirements may seem foreign. First of all if you are observant, you may see the pressure release of a stigmatized sector of society that is sometimes referred to as the LGBT movement or ‘pink mafia ’ to other...