Sanitary Sanitizer Sanitized Sanity= BLEACH MAFIA
A plastic fish with bleach white eyes and a green algae turtle...apt representatives of a water planet gone toxic, while under the stewardship of a Chemical alchemy of primates, never aware of the subtlety of carbon based life on this blue marble we call Earth.
I digress, the bleach Sanitizer and chlorine based cleaners used in most commercial dishwashers is left on your plates, cups and cutlery for you to ingest in near heroic doses. As you may or may not suspect from the smell of such eating utensils, if you can smell it.... (HELL YES ) you can taste and are eating it!!!! (Simple rule of life by the way, and a good joke about bathroom etiquette.) So let’s look at Toronto or ’T-Rot’ as I like to refer to this decaying Great Lakes Basin land fill. 100-150ppm of Chlorine is needed in Ontario, whereas in Quebec it is 80, British Columbia - 60 parts per million just to maintain water purity, T-rot has to up the chlorine to near pool water level, and this is drinking water ??? The reason is simple, both water treatment plants that currently are responsible for all of the GTA’s drinking water and yes that means cooking water also, have 1970’s abilities to handle the now 5-7 million condo shoppers from elsewhere who have yet to see a non-sustainable system of effluent sterilization through effective means.
Oh yes the City of Toronto would have you believe that water coming out of your taps is safe but in September when all the allergies and seasonal effective disorders kick in, just some of said ailments might stem from the fact that with each new deluge of rain in the GTA, comes a tidal wave of spill over from sewage treatment that looks like someone just threw bags (plastic) of toilet products and other non biodegradable sludge right onto Cherry Beach ,Ashbridges Bay,Humber Bay Point, or Sunnyside Pavillion Beach. The amount of toxins and chemicals that you can’t see would make you move to the West Coast immediately. In the tap water from most GTA homes is a chemical recipe for gender changing , immune system shattering, holistic health reversing, heavy metal and psychotropic assault. Non of the Pharmaceuticals and biotoxins used in fertilizers and growth formulas for the entire summer growth season are ever completely removed from our diet, organic or non organic food it littered with other toxins just by washing it in Toronto or cooking it in Toronto water . And those that like fresh salads and raw food have and even greater risk of toxic or cross contamination of the farm to plate conduit. Most kitchens have at least one professional working amounts rookie tires and summer talent, but if you have a kitchen run by non professionals and not trained to recognize potential harmful practices in either hygiene or preparation and storage...well disaster by Titanic proportions will be inevitable.
Cross contamination happens every time a dishwasher doesn’t rinse properly or hit the right temperature to fully sterilize the utensils within. Seeing a visible sheen or smelling like a swimming pool is usually the first clue that you are slowly poisoning your patrons, some faster than and more obviously than others. I’ve seen and attempted to reverse this trend by informing staff and owners and mangers alike to pay attention to the first line of defence against sickness in a kitchen,
(the dish pit ). Unfortunately not many have responded with the due diligence needed to correct a poisoning system across the GTA led by a chemical purveyor with no responsibility other than to sell product en mass! A class action law suit will one day render those responsible for the systematic sterilization of the Human race (ala Handmaids Tale), by overuse of cleaning agents and growth hormones, and make them sit up to their balls in liquid concoctions of those very same chems.
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