Poolesland’s Virus and Quebec’s Ancestral Karma

 On a small plot of land near Tofino British Columbia, lies the 70’s land clearing experiment called Poolesland. Having a history of land grabs from Quebec youth all under the pressure of Pierre Elliot saying “go West “ and bring back the economic windfall that Disneyesque Tourism (see Airbnb prices and a 40% Business tax increase) , can reap from a Beach Town next to Ancient Coastal Temperate Rainforest lands once ALL owned by First Nations.

So , after 30 odd years of smelly surfers invading Tofino every year and triple digit Capital Gains revenue, year after year..the Tax Haven called Tofino relegated Micheal Poole, to the outcast , transient, “end of the road” , self proclaimed Garbage Man of West Coast Dreams! Once touted as the ONLY 'pay what you can' lodging in the Clayoquot, a misguided man with a land clearing mission and a lot of drug revenue made a Prison Camp environment out of a low lying swamp, NEVER meant to be a toilet for 10,000 dirty drug addicts and experimenters.

By the time Covid -19 invaded Vancouver Island, the land affectionately known as ‘Poolesland’ had become a toxic waste dump of cars, batteries, glass, needles raw human waste and soil death. Deemed unfit for camping/RV storage, by all 3 of Tofino’s departments, Health,Fire, Police, death and drug dealing had surpassed the safety level that Tofino’s well groomed All-Inclusive Resort patrons were NO longer able to tolerate at ANY level.

As I interviewed Micheal Poole before his last visit to Thailand and his subsequent death, I feel it incumbent of me to include the fact that I was also the LAST person he tried to remove from the property remotely through intimidation, and threats of property loss (well known West Coast 2 step), that would have trapped my partner and I in the most toxic environment, in the West Coast of Canada, notwithstanding the current Fukushima poisoning unloading onto the West Coast of North America.

This brings me to the current December 2021 rates of infection amongst the fine folk of Quebec. Lockdowns and death have not deterred the usual Quebexicans from migrating across the country DURING a Pandemic to frequent their favourite beach and fruit picking jobs, before driving back to Quebec with mushroom damaged grey Matter! Check the transmission vectors and the summer caravan from La Belle Province! #isurvivedpoolesland


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