Beach Sand in Toronto
....Yes most of you can recognize the sanitary item in the picture , but how many of you know why a 70 year old outflow tunnel in Toronto’s biggest waste water management facility keeps pumping out full sized bio hazards and rarely if ever removes neurotransmitter psychotropic chemicals that keep fertile fish barren and make the reproductive imperative of spawning and dying for fish species ,impossible yet fun due to massive levels of Prozac, Cymbalta, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil and every other “mothers little helper” that Dr. Phuket decides little Johhny or Jenny or non disclosed gender human needs to ingest in record amounts. According to articles detailing salmon species off the coast of Seattle and near Vancouver it becomes a stand up comics dream material on reproduction jokes!
  Toronto has its own unique problem due to geographical location of The Great Lakes Basin.      Situated smack dab in the middle of the Continent and draining like a toilet into the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario (Onterrible) has the highest amount of new and un tested chemical
combinations ever seen by humankind! A plethora of DNA destroying possibilities lie on every North Americans horizon with even the simplest of contact with “treated “ lake water. Oh and yes , people still swim along most of Toronto’s beaches even when flag warnings show high fecal and bacteria counts...( never factoring in real long term immune destroying agents).  It reminds me of Lemmings and a belief that as long as the person in front of you is moving forward ...there is no cliff...
  Again remember we cook with this water , clean ourselves with it and it rains down on our gardens and fields.... “I cook Here I Don’t Eat Here”  ... applies



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