Cranberry Lemon Teflon Muffin every day for breakfast anyone...?

Not Bansky
Teflon - perfluorochemicals (PFC), chems with lots of fluoride atoms (another non popular bio toxin), have been used since 1938 and have been linked to the term “Teflon Flu “ and cited in cases where pet birds died after owners left heated non stick pans on the kitchen stove. The airborne residue from Teflon contains perfluroocatanoic acid (PFOA) extremely toxic with an almost impossible removal ability for the human body .
  If you are a North American, you already have it in your system , oh and it fucks with the human reproductive hormones et al. No biggie! Ok ,so Handmaids Tale scenarios aside, the harm of eating a single muffin ...not so much UNLESS you factor into the equation, total ingestion of ALL chemicals daily and absorption into cells and DNA of plastics, anti-perspirants, coated clothing, and a host of new undiscovered non organic compounds found in every glass of your tap water! Again falling under the sad but true credo “I work here I don’t eat here”, this poor quality of baking pans and utensils can be found in most kitchens without the cooks or staff realizing that any sensitive eater WILL be nauseous from the food without knowing why or what triggers could have caused headaches and other temporarily mild symptoms.
   Every day I see people come into the kitchen and request special care for food allergies and sensitivities, yet NO ONE looks at the cooking utensils and asks ARE THEY SAFE?

Blackened ps. contributing article published by cnbc July11 2018|facebook&par=sharebar


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