Valentine Day Revenge
So once again a food warning gets issued for lettuce in Canada and the US.
How many is that for 2018?
Were you warned before eating at a restaurant? Do you have an alert system that allows you to get a warning every time Health Canada issues an alert?
      Probably like most people unless E-coli makes it into the headlines, you don’t even think about all the “fruit pickers urine “ that could possibly end up in your Caesar salad. If you ever live in the Okanagan and pick fruit, ( I have) you realize no washrooms means most plants get a fairly good dose of human watering. Now this may not be the source for each and every E-coli outbreak this year, but with very little checks and balances in place, and a complacent health inspector staffing situation in Toronto, I can testify first hand , to being the only person in the room/kitchen/produce supply company, that could identify and locate the day to day warnings posted and hidden from the public. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!!

  BlackenedJust another food recall...


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