Gone UNDERGROUND to spy on....

So it’s been awhile since my last blog...WHY?
 ...well can any one say legal clearance letters and signing non disclosure agreements like I was a porn star to a President!!!?
Yes indeed , I have witnessed shit that would make ANYONE in Toronto ...pack up and leave. My last  3 years working in Toronto catering and restaurants that I deem worthy of a closer scrutiny has provided some astonishing results of quality control issues and nutrition issues mixed with gross amounts of food waste.
I now have a compatriot insider who has witnessed far more than ever deemed “THAT’S NOT FOOD SAFE”!!! People again...if I work there and I don’t eat there ...or worse...I warn YOU not to consume certain products or menu items...if you don’t take warning ...your body will do the talking for me!
Eat well
see ya after tour season



  1. Hey! I’m starting a food safety blog and I would like to know which location in Toronto you are talking about. I am currently in deep cover investigating establishments that violate food handling protocol and I have to tell you.. it’s despicable the amount of carelessness in the food industry here! I unfortunately cannot disclose my current location because I have many forces who would have my head on a silver platter. Please respect my anonymity..


    1. Well, we started with Rawlicious, then investigated Fresh and after getting sick at Kumfert and Kim decided to also investigate the food suppliers of Shopify! DM me anytime for results! And yes all were guilty of gross neglect from management to dishwashers! We are now in BC investigating what happened to PoolesLand!


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