Eco Forest Food

So here we are at the infamous alternative hippie campground ⛺️
called PoolesLand in Tofino British Columbia. Once touted
as the answer to zero vacancy in a surf town environment, the 17acre site became useful for drop outs burnouts and progressive thinkers alike. With sustainable land use practices attempted but not maintained,and a whole bevy of anti-social behaviour becoming the preferred fabric
of the campground, the drug culture and its usual side effects, literally doomed the place to violence death and rape. Free living gave way to labour camp mentality which erased the volunteer base of operations! Sharing gave way to hoarding and community became cliques
of un happy drugged out cast off from the bottom rungs of society! Gone are shared meals for needy surfers! It's everyone for themselves as fear and feeling like a financial faucet in Tofino's
never ending quest for the tourist dollar!
There is a better way of community and social experiments in healing generational scarring!
Food is the answer but not Kraft Dinner and Bacon 🥓!


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