Rossland...Canada’s Toxic Secret
Funny thing happened on the way to the local Grocery store in Rossland BC, a couple of young children were playing outside our Cabin at Red Mountain , when I discovered them eating icicles from the heavily laden roof snow pack of 70cm. Now first of all, EVERY well educated Kootenay resident is accustomed to some epic snow fall, and rooftop accumulations over a 2 day period, but here’s the crux of Rossland’s epic atmospheric Teck Cominco scrubbing attempts using precipitation. Rossland and Trail BC have the dubious proximity of one of North Americas dirtiest mining companies by sheer size and default. I was present in 2007 when the Columbia River was the unwilling recipient of 80,000Litres of Toxic Lead sludge into the (swimming area) river basin just below it’s outflow doors. I remember the sirens going off in Trail as locals, who are used to having children NOT play outside, scramble to figure out the emergency. Only when the Americans alerted Canadian Environmental Protection Au...