S.A.R.S. Covid -19 and Variants in ’22
Here we are 3 Years into a Global pandemic that has now infected household pets and wildlife with Covid-19 and it’s Variants! Please note at this time the general public STILL has an ostrich approach to a social Pandemic.The sounds of ignorance go like this, in conversation, "Yeah, the Virus isn’t that bad, it’s like the flu” or "I’m NOT wearing a mask because it diminishes MY FREEDOM"!? From ‘Karens’ calling the cops for being kicked out of Walmart to students passing around Covid like it’s Herpes at a Kegger...the sheer audacity of British Columbia’s Health Authority, to let an open Border and a money grab for the Ski industry , place the entire Province into a cyclical Hell of lockdowns, openings and rising case counts, that over 3 Years has put the economy and Tourism into a recession mocking downward spiral!
It’s Christmas 2021...NOBODY says Merry Christmas at the grocery store, due to possible social cross contamination, the Virus has EVERYBODY wearing a mask in Public, which easily differentiates the serious from the deniers...and the ENTIRE World has now woken up to the true ramifications of Ancestral Karma!
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