curmudgeon (noun) · curmudgeons (plural noun)
  1. a bad-tempered person, especially an old one.
    bad-tempered person · crank                                                                                                             Is WHITE SLAVERY the root cause?
    What causes a Human Male to CONSTANTLY drive himself and others around him miserable with a stereotypical testosterone ‘drone Ant” mentality , that forces him to use early morning hours to disturb/harass and otherwise make as much noise pollution as possible?  You can find the ever scowling curmudgeon living on stolen lands in a Colonial dystopia that makes wives of these parasites of life , yearn for the death certificate that sets them free! A fungus of misery pervades ALL ventures and encounters with this individual and his partners, BEWARE the old man with money and a plow/excavator/lawn mower/ ...and remember ...”the Man who leaves his wife at 4am every morning, has children who do NOT look like him”  ! Colon Cancer warning as  side-effects!                                                        


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