
Showing posts from July, 2018

Cranberry Lemon Teflon Muffin every day for breakfast anyone...?

Not Bansky Teflon - perfluorochemicals (PFC), chems with lots of fluoride atoms (another non popular bio toxin), have been used since 1938 and have been linked to the term “Teflon Flu “ and cited in cases where pet birds died after owners left heated non stick pans on the kitchen stove. The airborne residue from Teflon contains perfluroocatanoic acid (PFOA) extremely toxic with an almost impossible removal ability for the human body .   If you are a North American, you already have it in your system , oh and it fucks with the human reproductive hormones et al. No biggie! Ok ,so Handmaids Tale scenarios aside, the harm of eating a single muffin ...not so much UNLESS you factor into the equation, total ingestion of ALL chemicals daily and absorption into cells and DNA of plastics, anti-perspirants, coated clothing, and a host of new undiscovered non organic compounds found in every glass of your tap water! Again falling under the sad but true credo “I work here I don’t eat here”...
Beach Sand in Toronto ....Yes most of you can recognize the sanitary item in the picture , but how many of you know why a 70 year old outflow tunnel in Toronto’s biggest waste water management facility keeps pumping out full sized bio hazards and rarely if ever removes neurotransmitter psychotropic chemicals that keep fertile fish barren and make the reproductive imperative of spawning and dying for fish species ,impossible yet fun due to massive levels of Prozac, Cymbalta, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil and every other “mothers little helper” that Dr. Phuket decides little Johhny or Jenny or non disclosed gender human needs to ingest in record amounts. According to articles detailing salmon species off the coast of Seattle and near Vancouver it becomes a stand up comics dream material on reproduction jokes!   Toronto has its own unique problem due to geographical location of The Great Lakes Basin.      Situated smack dab in the middle of the Continent and draining like...
Scab Teflon Rice Cookers Rice Rice Rice...all I can eat is rice!  Imagine that you have just been told you can no longer eat any Gluten or refined flour or sugar or anything that is processed or has a shelf life longer than a week? Now look at the picture of the rice cookers in this blog and ask yourself, would you eat rice from pots like these? Teflon coating scraped raw by bad cleaning practices and poor cooking skills. Every bite you ingest has microscopic fibres and particles of highly neurotoxic chemicals freely entering your very sensitive carbon based life form.   Please google “Teflon Flu” for some really bad statistics and information on the side effects of cooking with improper heat on non stick cookware!  In all my years cooking in restaurants (started in 1980) till now I have never seen such disregard for human health as I am witnessing at my current employer. No professionally trained kitchen staff are actually working in the front or back of house, w...

Crohn’s and Food

   What do you eat after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease? That is a question I hear most when asked about my eating habits. My age was 33 and I had just had a baby girl and a very violent and traumatic separation from a common law partner of less than 2 years. Food was an enemy of my body  and I couldn’t find anything in shopping stores or food vendors to keep myself from the most excruciating pain with every bowel movement!   Then I was forced to try the elimination diet, whereby everything that I formally ate is eliminated and you slowly introduce ONE food item at a time, in a pseudo mono diet beginning with brown rice and for protein boiled chicken breasts (no Spice)! This temporarily saved my life, but I had NO IDEA what was causing the inflammation or the in ability to stomach any food from a Grocery Store!    It took me the following education in Toronto to decipher the true culprits of immune system shutdown , first a two year bout with chemic...